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This is very short, simple, and to the point.

Years ago I heard a sermon in which the preacher said Jesus never categorized people permanently. He never slotted them.

The first thing my mind went to was Jesus calling Peter Satan on one day… “Get behind me Satan!”… and the foundation of the church the next… “Upon this rock I will build my church.”

At the time, I appreciated this message because it meant that even though I make mistakes, it didn’t have to determine who I was forever. The same with when I do good things: I shouldn’t rest on my laurels and that I should always persevere to do good.

The other day we ran into old friends, and I realized I had been unfair to them. I was guilty of categorizing them, slotting them, compartmentalizing them, committing them to my impression of them at that time.

Of course, it’s okay to be aware of how we’ve been hurt by others and the wisdom of caution around them. It’s also okay to trust our instincts and impressions. But, over time, I’ve come to the place where I can analyze myself, let down my defenses, and even let people back in again.

IF it feels safe.

Because even though love always trusts, so trust always is earned.

I did let them back in. We had a wonderful time. We will probably being seeing each other again.

That’s all. Just a short story.

Much love,
