My story is not one of being hurt by the church. But simply outgrowing it. Perhap. I was born and raised in the evangelical tradition and can remember struggling with it’s relevancy at age ten, I am now mid 50’s. I did the teenage rebellion thing and in college married an unbeliever. After a painful divorce I experienced healing as I return my evangelical roots. I am very grateful! At the same time I met Henri Nouwen and saw a new vision of experiencing God that made sense to me. I began to explore the Christian mystics and had no idea these people and their writing existed. A whole new world of faith opened up to me. Then I met Ignatius of Loyola! I spent nine months participating in the Spiritual Exercises and I came to know the human Jesus Christ for the first time. I fell in love! Pedro Arrupe, SJ, “Fall in love, stay in love, it will decide everything.” It’s been ten years. To know, love, and follow Jesus is what I am deepening in. I find my view of salvation has shifted over the years to universal salvation which doesn’t work well with the evangelical mindset. I’ve managed to stay out of the center of church politics so its been easy to slip away. Currently I spend time in fellowship with others on this same journey.