Are your beliefs changing?
The Lasting Supper was founded to combat the loneliness that comes with walking away from a belief system you grew up in. Often, when people leave the church, they lose their community and their support system. They feel as if their lives are falling apart. That’s where TLS comes in.
We’re a community of over 400 brave thinkers who affirm, validate, and support one another on the journey towards spiritual freedom.
Whether you’re churched, unchurched, or not allowed in
a church, everyone is welcome here.

Hey, I’m David.
you might know me better as 
When I left the ministry in 2010, I didn’t know how long and lonely the road to spiritual independence was. It was only when I started sharing my cartoons that I wasn’t the only one struggling to pull my beliefs apart while keeping other aspects of my life together.
I founded The Lasting Supper to be the community I needed back then. A community that supports one another so we can deconstruct safely, together.
Maybe you learned the Ten Commandments as a child. Maybe you didn’t. Think of these as your Ten Affirmations — a way for you to manifest your spiritual independence.
I am free. I always have been. I always will be.
I have the right to ask questions as a way to become wise.
It is my right and responsibility to find my own spiritual path.
It is my duty to myself and others to remove the log from my own eye first.
I take care of myself before I care about labels or what others call me.
It is necessary for me to be true to myself before being true to a community.
I recognize my roots but I will not allow them to prevent me from changing.
I embrace my unique spirituality and will let my light shine for others.
I take charge of my life and will live it wisely, compassionately and joyfully.
I am spiritually independent!