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The Enormous Pressure to Belong

I have been publicly sharing my work online for over a decade. The name “nakedpastor” originated from my desire to bare my soul as a pastor, to be honest about my journey, my thoughts, my vocation, my life, and to be vulnerable about my weaknesses and struggles as...

When I and the Universe Feel Most One

Early this morning I arose. The air was so cold outside that everything was silent. Including the radiant moon and its attendant stars. The only sound was the snow crunching under my boots. We took our second son to the airport at 3:30 am. We took our first yesterday...

Protect Your Inner Child

I do not like it when people mock other religions. I also do not like it when people mock the stages of faith that I have journeyed through. I’m not sure how this happened, but somewhere along the way I learned that it was not only negligent and shortsighted to...