Good morning my friends! I really like what @Amy said on her blog post today: "If you have been spiritually abused and need a safe place to find hope and healing, I urge you to check out (The Lasting Supper)" Thanks Amy! It reminded me of something I read today by...
the process is the product
I remember some years ago a friend of mine started a small group in his home. He said that he was looking forward to having a really dynamic discussion group. The first few meetings went fine, as typical. But then conflicts began to arise and conversations got...
structure your sojourn
When you leave the church, you might feel a little lost. You might feel that your spirituality, like water poured out of a bottle, is just spreading out in all directions with no focus. You might feel as though your spirit has dissipated like helium in the atmosphere....
religion is like bandaids
Please note that this is a parable for religion, not for the religious person, or any person. Religious people can do amazing things. More than bandaid solutions. And once in a while so can religion... when it serves humanity. Generally speaking though, religion can...
my walk with Jesus over the years
When I first published cartoon, it was very close to the end of my professional career as a pastor. Some people interpreted this as Jesus leaving... that Jesus was no longer a part of my life and that he wasn't there. Others interpreted it that Jesus is invisible at...
"Nothing is permanent." (Buddha) Our site is going to be going through some pretty cool changes this week. One of them is that we are migrating the site to another server. We might be down for a short time. Just letting you know in advance my good friends!
Don Miguel Ruiz’s “The Four Agreements”
Have you guys read Don Miguel Ruiz's The Four Agreements? It's a great little book, easy to read, and super simple. His four rules for life are easy to understand, easy to remember and easy to apply. I recommend it. I thought it would be a great spiritual exercise to...
DanielleDash: “Dear Jesus” video production
One of our newer members, DanielleDash in London, UK, creates videos. She showed me this one and I asked if she would please allow me to post it here. We have tons of talent represented in our membership here. I would love to showcase other creations from you guys in...
the human need for a savior
I found this video rather disturbing because, on the surface so much seems okay. But there is obviously something insidious about it. For instance: the people's need for a physical savior. Thousands of people from all over the world... intelligent people... worship...
get in touch with your own spirituality
It is possible and I would even say necessary to have a spirituality outside of church. That’s my opinion of what a healthy church is anyway: a collective of uniquely independent spiritual pilgrims. Therefore, it comes down to how to have a healthy spirituality...