Letter: My Response to Last Week’s Crisis
Lisa and I just celebrated our 35th anniversary by going on vacation. We had a wonderful time. We’ve been through a lot. We’ve experienced a ton of stuff, under a great deal of strain, and been through tremendous joys. Most of the time we believed it was so wonderful...
Letter: Stop Sabotaging Yourself
Hi guys. So, Lisa and I are getting ready to go on a little trip today for a week. It’s our 35th wedding anniversary tomorrow… May 4th. I never realized until the day when someone said, “May the forth be with you!” that it is a cool date to get married. Lisa and I...
Letter: We are Wounded for a Reason
I’ve come to the conclusion that The Lasting Supper is made up of two groups of people: 1. those who have been wounded by the church; and, 2. those who intellectually moved on from the church. This is a generalization, but I think a pretty accurate one. Actually, when...
Letter: Independence or Waiting for a Miracle
When I left the ministry and the church in March of 2010, I had the very distinct impression that my next stage of learning was going to be about becoming responsible for myself. Let me explain what I mean. One day I was watching “3:10 to Yuma”. The sheriff calls for...
Letter: Appreciating the Seasons of Your Life
Appreciating the Seasons of Your Life I live in a geography of four dramatically distinct seasons: fall, winter, spring, and summer. And I’ll have to admit to you that this last winter was the hardest winter I’ve ever endured. It was brutal. In fact, almost every day...
Letter: Are you bored to death?
Every Easter I’m reminded of a Keith Green song I used to love that I would sing this time of year. One of the lines are, “Jesus Christ rose from the dead, and you can’t even get out of bed!” Yes! I just loved that judgmental attitude, although I didn’t think it was...
Letter: How God Let Me Go
Lisa and I went on a much-needed vacation last week. We haven’t been on vacation since Lisa went back to university seven years ago. We left in a snow storm. I had to use the snowblower to get ourselves out of our driveway to get to the airport. We went to Mexico....
Letter: Your Ability to Disappoint People
One of the strongest messages I received growing up in the church is that it is my job to not upset people. I mean, it’s okay to upset sinful people who are doing wrong, like Jesus overturning the tables of the money-changers in the temple. Hurting sinful peoples’...
Letter: Me and My 4 F’s
After I left the ministry and the church, it became very clear to me very quickly the areas of my life that needed immediate attention and improvement. I call them the 4 F’s: Family. Fun. Finances. Friends. Of course, first and foremost, I had to take care of myself....