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For those of you not keeping up with the news in our private Facebook group, I have an announcement you should hear.

One of our founding members and facilitators, Chris McGill, passed away suddenly on Thursday. He was at work and was found in the bathroom. The autopsy revealed he suffered a massive brain hemorrhage. The cause of this is yet to be discovered.

The shock and grief the TLS community is enduring is overwhelming. He probably had no idea the profound impact he had in TLS and on the TLS members. He helped people feel validated and encouraged to be authentic and true to themselves.

Many of our members credit him with feeling free to swear. Chris will be remembered for many things, but especially his famous “fuck threads”.

He once expressed to me his insecurity about being a facilitator. “What do I do?????” he implored. I said, “Just be you. That’s it!” because I’m convinced that living authentically inspires others to do the same. That’s a core value of TLS.

Chris is really going to be missed.

He leaves behind his two daughters, his fiancé, and their unborn child.

If you are already in the FB group, check out the threads in his memory. There’s a fundraiser there and other projects under way to support his fiancé Amanda and his girls.

If you’re not in the group, that’s where the real action and interaction takes place. Reach out to me and I’ll get you in there. You’re missing out on real community. Just watching how we all rallied around Chris’ memory is wonderful and just goes to show that online relationships are just as real and valid as face to face ones.

Live every day as if it’s your last.

All my love my friends!
