Sit down.
I went to church this morning. But listen… my friend who is a Soka Gakkai International Buddhist was speaking at the local Unitarian Universalist Church. She invited me to come. I’m trying to get her to join The Lasting Supper because she would love it and I know you guys would love her. She did an excellent talk… so gentle, inviting and kind. Gracious. I love listening to her and learning from her.
I really love it when you guys correspond with me. I’m available for you. Being helpful is one of the values I attach especially to members of The Lasting Supper. I love spending time with you guys and being helpful in any way I can.
You all probably know one of our members, Ashley. Actually, she was instrumental in the birthing of TLS. One of its midwives. We’ve become great friends. The other day she sent me an article that really meant a lot to me. It’s called “The Man Who Never Says ‘NO'”. It’s about Adam Grant, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania. I found it fascinating because he is a pioneer in the field of motivation and productivity. I’ve been reading studies lately indicating that money, rewards and other incentives don’t make people more productive or happy at work. They’ve found that when people find meaning in their work and experience a sense of fulfillment, they’ll do the same work for free! Of course, everyone recognizes the danger in this: employers could easily take advantage of a worker’s altruism and monopolize their resources for lower pay.
What I found meaningful about this however is how important it is to find something that is meaningful for you. I’ve finally found what I love doing: writing and drawing about spirituality and creating safe spaces for communities. And what these all boil down to is helping people with spirituality. I’m a validator. An encourager. I love walking along with people on the way and being a support. I’m passionate about it and do it from dawn ’til dusk and then dream about it at night! It’s what makes me tick and makes me happy. Of course, just like Adam Grant has to do, I have to know where my boundaries are. But outside that fair boundary I just won’t say no.
So I want to encourage you to find your passion. What is it that makes you tick? What do you love? What would you do even if you never got paid for it? In what way can you contribute to the world or make a difference where you are? I really love Wayne’s story. I think he’s found his passion.
Heck! I’m here to listen to you and even help you find out what that is if you want! Feel free to write me or ping me or chat me or Skype me or Hangout me (that’s NOT “hang me”, but HangOUT me!).
We’re going to be having a Potluck Hangout with RevOxley, one guy who I know is doing what he’s passionate about as well, contributing his part into his world. He loves to help people embrace their doubt. He’s going to share this with us on Tuesday. We’ve picked a time-zone that is different so that hopefully our members from other countries can join us. Sign up for the Potluck Hangout,”Embracing Doubt”.
You are welcomed to respond to this letter or forward it to a friend.
Love you all,