
I am beautiful.

I am free.

I am wise.

I am Sophia.

How did I get here? How did I come to this? Why am I in these chains? Why am I locked in a dark cellar surrounded by things that degrade and dehumanise me?

Especially words. Words that are meant to shame, subdue and enslave me.

And they do. Because I let them.

Confession: I entered into this relationship because I wanted to. I was not forced. It was my choice. I was free.

Although I couldn’t have known at the time, I was also free to submit myself to a cruel master hiding in wait behind beautiful promises.

I signed up for this. But I had no idea what “this” was.

It was a craftily laid trap!

But my wisdom was young. Like a child’s. My trust was naive. Like a child’s.

For a long time I believed that things weren’t really that bad.

Then, when I realised they were, I hoped that I could, with endless effort, change them. Finally, I had to admit: I was trapped.

Yes, I walked into it. No, I did not mean to be caged.

My exterior life was poor. However, my inner life was rich.

And somehow I knew; I just knew that one day this would release me, liberate me, and save me.

Indeed, I would save myself!

If you’d like to own all of my Sophia drawings, which include the story behind each one, you can buy my book, The Liberation of Sophia here

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