I think it is important to have resources at our disposal to help us live out our own unique spirituality, especially if we are outside an organized form of spirituality such as the church.
So today I’m happy to announce that you can do a short Enneagram test right here on thelastingsupper.com, with The Enneagram Institute‘s gracious permission. If you haven’t done the Enneagram, it is an effective tool in helping you understand yourself, your personality. It also helps you understand why you are the way you are spiritually. My own counselor/coach lead me to this test and it helped me a great deal after I left the church.
So take 5 minutes and do the short RHETI Sampler: click HERE. (If you want to take the full test, you can take it over at The Enneagram Institute’s site for $10.)
When you complete the test it will tell you which of the 9 personality types you are. Then, if you want to learn even more about yourself, click HERE and read up on it.