One of the benefits of this site that I expected was the finding of companionship. But I didn’t expect it to be as wonderful as it is.
I wanted to provide a place for companionship to happen. I talk with so many people every week who feel so alone in their spiritual walk. When you are in the church there is an automatic provision for networking with others to occur. But when you leave the church this becomes difficult and sometimes impossible. Some people even asked me to start a site such as this so they could meet other people on a similar path.
Well… it looks like this is happening! And I’m so thankful. Take advantage of it. Email each other. Talk to each other on this site in the comments. Go to the “community stories” link and write a story. It will get posted for others to see. There are already a few there that are profound. You can also go to the “edit profile” link and give some details about yourself. You are not alone!
Please tell people about this site. I’m trying to get the word out there, but it has more impact coming from you! Tell them about it! Tell them that this is just one of the things they might find: companionship.
That’s what this painting symbolizes: companionship in the storms.