At present, there are somewhere over 7 billion different ways to perceive and experience The Great Mystery. Often times–I believe–a significant part of the problem we can experience relative to the term “god” has to do with the fact that seldom are we interested in what Ultimate Reality is to us, but what others expect us to believe about it. Once I finally rid myself of the fear of “being wrong” (and I don’t pretend to think I’m right, either) and letting that effect its change upon me in relation to others around me, freedom and psychological health began to have its way with me. Our experiences and thoughts of the divine are primordial, meaning that they are ours and not someone else’s. Allow god (in the deepest part of your true self) to “speak” to you, and experience the divine as only you can. This approach to the topic at hand does require one to learn to really trust oneself, and to cultivate and keep humility at the forefront of one’s life in the process.