Some important housekeeping:
On Sunday we’re having another Google Hangout at 3pm Atlantic Time (2pm EST, 1pm CST, 12pm MST, 11am PST, 6pm London, UK, 2am Monday in Singapore, 5am Monday in Sydney, AU). It’s called “Sharing Shared Experiences”.
To notify that you plan on attending the event, go here and sign up. Only 10 people can participate in the event, but as many as desire to can watch it streaming on YouTube. The link will be available at the time of the event. This is for members of TLS only. Please members, sign up for Google+ because it makes inviting you to Events so much easier… for me and for you! Join the TLS circle and join The Lasting Supper community on Google+.
Here’s what Sunday’s Hangout is about: I’m going to have a conversation with my friend and colleague Julia, a member of TLS. She and her husband pastored with me and Lisa the last church we both were a part of. It was a Vineyard church. I started pastoring there in 1996 and it went through a horrendous church split in 1997. Julia went through some pretty significant spiritual changes over the years. After I left the church in 2010, it wasn’t long after that that she and her husband left as well, along with many others.
Anyway, it should be an interesting conversation!
Also, you might like to know that I’m giving away a fine art print of Sophia “Angel” on nakedpastor. To enter the draw go to this post and leave a comment.
See you Sunday I hope 🙂