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Something we have to get used to when we leave the church is not hearing, over and over again, the “ought and must and should” routine that, in my experience and observation, is the fuel that runs the engine of religion. Every week what was required of us was preached at us. In the songs, the prayers, the volunteer work, and even the personal exchanges… everything is imbued with a sense of debt, obligation and requirements.

Once you are out of that context for a while, you begin to feel a little more free. Your conscience doesn’t feel as guilty as often. In fact, one day you will wake up and realize that there is nothing that you have to do or not have to do. It will come sooner or later. You will wake up free!

I am available to talk with members of TLS at a reduced rate of $75/hour. We can use Skype or phone. Just email me if you need.