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First of all, I want to invite all existing members to upgrade, if you wish, to an annual membership. It is $75/ year instead of $7/ month. So a little money saved. New members joining have the option to choose monthly or annually. Some folks at the beginning were testing the waters and some were wondering if we were a flash in the pan. Well we’re nearing 300 members! I’d say we’re here to stay! So upgrade if you want. Contact me if you’re interested because I have to moderate the procedure.

Oh my the things we are talking about in the forums. We’re talking about sex in “True love waits? Yea, right!”. We’re talking about church in “chilling article about Calvary Chapel”. We’re talking about the bible in “separating fact from fiction”. Heck, we’re even talking about Google Glasses in “Check this out!”. Have you read “10 virtues of the modern age”? Amazing! And so many more fascinating discussions that you can join in on. Or start one of your own.

Well my friends, I’d say the train has left the station. I’m really enjoying my fellow-passengers. And I’m looking forward to meeting our new passengers that we pick up along the way. It’s rare to find such a community where we can be open, authentic, honest and heard all at once, without ridicule, judgement or exclusion. It’s also exciting to listen to others as they share their amazing, terrifying, personal and heroic stories.

See you at The Lasting Supper, where we can help ourselves!