Good morning my friends!
I really like what @Amy said on her blog post today:
“If you have been spiritually abused and need a safe place to find hope and healing, I urge you to check out (The Lasting Supper)”
Thanks Amy! It reminded me of something I read today by Marianne Willamson:
“A real leader is not the top dog who merely shouts down orders. A leader is one who holds the space for the brilliance of others.”
I like that because at The Lasting Supper we are seeing the brilliance of our members shine forth! I’m delighted by the quality of community and communication that is occurring there.
Can I encourage you to invite a friend? Let’s bring more people to the table. There’s lots to go around. And I’m sure they’ll bring some delicious entries of their own.
just a reminder: You can upgrade your membership to annual for a discount. Also, family members in the same household of members get free memberships. Let me know if you are interested in taking me up on either of these.
We are having another Hangout this Sunday, this time with John. John doesn’t know this yet… well he will when he reads this… but I’m using his words… I’m calling it “How I Became a Liberal Heathen”. To sign up for the event GO HERE.
See you at the table!