by David Hayward | Apr 19, 2015 | David's Letters, I'm scared
When I left the ministry and the church in March of 2010, I had the very distinct impression that my next stage of learning was going to be about becoming responsible for myself. Let me explain what I mean. One day I was watching “3:10 to Yuma”. The sheriff calls for...
by David Hayward | Apr 14, 2015 | David's Letters, I'm okay
Appreciating the Seasons of Your Life I live in a geography of four dramatically distinct seasons: fall, winter, spring, and summer. And I’ll have to admit to you that this last winter was the hardest winter I’ve ever endured. It was brutal. In fact, almost every day...
by David Hayward | Apr 5, 2015 | David's Letters, I'm sad
Every Easter I’m reminded of a Keith Green song I used to love that I would sing this time of year. One of the lines are, “Jesus Christ rose from the dead, and you can’t even get out of bed!” Yes! I just loved that judgmental attitude, although I didn’t think it was...
by David Hayward | Mar 15, 2015 | David's Letters, I'm okay
One of the strongest messages I received growing up in the church is that it is my job to not upset people. I mean, it’s okay to upset sinful people who are doing wrong, like Jesus overturning the tables of the money-changers in the temple. Hurting sinful peoples’...
by David Hayward | Mar 8, 2015 | David's Letters, I'm okay
After I left the ministry and the church, it became very clear to me very quickly the areas of my life that needed immediate attention and improvement. I call them the 4 F’s: Family. Fun. Finances. Friends. Of course, first and foremost, I had to take care of myself....