by David Hayward | Jan 2, 2015 | David's Letters, I'm okay
Happy New Year my friends. I’m going to try to keep this letter a short one. I’m still recovering from the holidays. All three of our children were home and all we did was eat, drink, smoke, listen to music, make music, talk, watch movies, and caught a few...
by David Hayward | Dec 22, 2014 | David's Letters, I'm confused
This letter contains an important message about being yourself. I’m eating Lisa’s homemade granola and listening to the “Deep Dark Indie” playlist on Shopify. I’m rejoicing that all my kids are going to be home this Christmas starting...
by David Hayward | Dec 14, 2014 | David's Letters, I'm okay
I’m looking out over the river I live on. It’s called the Kennebacasis. It comes from the Mi’kmaq word meaning “little long bay place”. It’s a 95 kilometers long tidal river, beautiful and wide and running deep. It is full of living...
by David Hayward | Oct 26, 2014 | David's Letters, I'm confused
We are changing our beliefs! What I have always tried to do is provide a safe space to do that in. And, if possible, gather people together in order to support one another while going through this experience. I think this is what The Lasting Supper is mostly about. We...
by David Hayward | Oct 5, 2014 | David's Letters, I'm confused, I'm sad, I'm scared
3 Observations from Speaking at a Unitarian Universalist Church I spoke at a Unitarian Universalist Church today. I’ve been there a couple of times before. Here’s how I got acquainted with them: After I left the ministry and the church, I was a teacher at...