deconversion story

Blog Forums Deconstruction Trying to Move On deconversion story

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Emily Riley 1 year ago.

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  • #13655

    Emily Riley

    someone asked me the other day if I would share my deconversion story… how i went from a good little IFB girl to a party chick to a die hard sovereign grace member to atheist. i realized i couldn’t tell that story without some background. so here is part one of my deconversion… IFB to party to Sov Grace…

    Profile photo of

    Wow, Emily!  You really went through hell.  Thanks for sharing this with us.    I am so sad that your parents treated you like that,  and that your school was so strict.  :(


    Emily Riley

    part two is now posted:

    Profile photo of agnosticbeliever

    Wow…amazing story! And I like your writing style. I have to ask, how is your relationship with your parents now?


    Emily Riley

    thanks AB! :) we talk occasionally and get together with them and my sister’s family for holidays and birthdays. but its often tense. as long as we talk about the weather and my nephews things are fine. if i were ever to bring up any of this, the relationship would be done.  thirteen years ago when this all happened, my grandparents (dad’s parents) told my parents they should probably be a little kinder and more understanding of me, even if they disagree with my actions. that was the last time my parents have spoken to them.  they don’t handle correction well at all.  or disagreement.  so as long as we only say things that they agree with, we can have some sort of relationship with them.

    it will be fun when we have kids and say “no, they are not allowed to come over and stay with you unsupervised because we don’t trust you farther than we could throw you.”

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