Disturbing quotes that I'm sure you can relate to…

Blog Forums Deconstruction The Church Disturbing quotes that I'm sure you can relate to…

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of servantgirl servantgirl 1 year, 10 months ago.

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    This was a FB meme I saw today:

    “Good Christians, like slaves and soldiers, ask no questions.”

    -Jerry Fallwell

    Here is the link that the meme references on the next line:


    This second link contains a related quote from Mark Driscoll:

    “…but when God speaks, we’re not to converse, but obey.”


    I think that everyone here can relate to being in church and being told these things outright in many different ways. I know I was.

    It was what made me afraid to truly “give my heart to God” for most of my life: I was essentially agreeing to sign my life away not only yo God but to a group of people in a building I met with weekly who really seemed to have no interest in people as a whole.

    …and who told them what God wanted anyway? To this day I will never understand why my understanding of bible was so different…

    In any case, what are your experiences with these two ideas while dealing with family, friends, or people in church? Have you ever had an internal battle over these ideas? A public one?

    Ever been accused because of it?

    What do you think of it in regards to a spiritual life in general?

    Just looking to stir the pot a bit!

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    Those are the kind of statements that set people up to be spiritually/emotionally abused by “Christian leaders.” Been there, done that! (Been abused I mean!)Questioning  pastors, Christian leaders, certain theology or doctrine was seen as questioning God Himself! What better way than that to control people by making them afraid to ever question the status quo?

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    I don’t know if my battle was really a public one, but members and leaders of my old church accused me of being “prideful” for wanting more in return for giving my obedience.  I did not believe in blind faith.  Instead I believed it had to be an active process, and part of that process required more that just doing what I thought I was “called to do,” especially if I didn’t agree with it.  I once asked someone I used to respect why X was considered such a horrible sin.  He looked me in the eyes and told me that if I had to ask that question, I was not fully with God.  If I wasn’t fully with God, then I was a failure.   I’m not one to be bullied into submission so his bullshit reply was not passively ignored ;)

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