Heresy #1 – Genesis

Blog Forums Deconstruction The Church Heresy #1 – Genesis

This topic contains 0 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Graham FrontLineXian 3 months ago.

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    Profile photo of Graham

    One of the subjects that got me branded a heretic and thrown under a bus was is Genesis. I don’t see as it as historical or scientific, not in the way we define those terms. It seems to be based on the level of understanding of the people at the time, but the universal truth it communicated was that we are created, the universe is not random chaos and God wants us to be in relationship with him. There are other scholars (Peter Enns for example) suggest that Genesis is Israel reflecting on their own history and it isn’t a universal story, it becomes one after Jesus’s resurrection or Paul makes it one.

    Coming back to science, the evidence for evolution seems very over whelming, and I know too many scientists (including Christians) who say “yep it’s true”; and after taking an online course run by Paleoanthropologist John Hawkes has also convinced me. Using scientific data to inform our understanding of scripture isn’t new. Galileo and the movement of the earth is a classic example of this. Does Genesis affect the gospel? Personally for me no, I don’t need the Bible to tell me that the world has problems, my own experiences tell me that.

    Anyway 2 videos I think have helped me. 1 is from John Walton who is arguably the leading authority on this (even better than N.T Wright) and his lecture is the best I’ve seen (viewable at The other one is from Peter Enns which has a slightly different take (available from The arguments are heavily evidenced, largely rooted in scripture and is probably why evangelicals don’t like them (sorry, that was snarky)

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