
  • SavageSoto started the topic The need for a religious path in the forum Personal Spirituality 1 year, 9 months ago

    What is your opinion on this quote by Marcus Borg?”We need a [religious] path. We are lost without one. Community and tradition articulate, embody, and nurture a path. They provide practical means of undertaking the path, not as a requirement for entering the next world, but as a path of reconnection and transformation in this life.”

    I have mixed thoughts about this. On the one hand, a religious community and tradition can certainly help us nurture a path but on the other hand, it can also strangle it and limit it, as I probably don’t need to explain to any of you lol. I do feel quite “lost” without a religious path though at times, not in the sense of being lost eternally or lost from God and that’s not what Borg means either, but lost in the sense of not knowing what to think about much of anything.

    I’ve come to such a broad understanding of God being in every religious tradition that dont see much sense in focusing much on one of them, as I did with Christianity for so many years. Yet without focusing on one, there doesn’t seem to be much to say beyond the aforementioned broad understanding.