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I still have triggers.

Many of us have had terrible church experiences. Many of us talk about “triggers”. Is it any wonder why? Read about one story in this forum thread, Angie’s Story. It takes courage to talk about it and, therefore, to relive it. But this is the first...

“the notion of hell was my undoing”

One of our newest members, merlentz, who is married to another TLS member Rob Lentz, posted a very vulnerable and honest post about the passing of her mother and her spiritual journey through that experience. You can read about it in the forum thread, “Hello...

leaving a church under conflict

Some of us are still in the church. And I love that about us. Actually, there are some of us who are in ministry or preparing to be. I applaud that. I stayed as long as I possibly could. Some say I stayed longer than I should have. Maybe. Although it was time for me...


One of my greatest pleasures is watching you guys be vulnerable. That shows incredible strength. My next greatest pleasure is watching you guys as a community gather around each other’s vulnerability with such gentleness, wisdom and care. This thread started by...

tarot cards, devices and go with your gut

I like what Jeff said in this forum thread on tarot cards, which have come up in conversation lately. I think he has a good point: I think of Tarot cards (and such) as a trying to see meaning within randomness not unlike seeing an image in an ink blotch or an image on...