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Podcast: Pam Q&As David

Pam Werner interviewed me today and gave me some good questions from you guys. Actually, she says there’s more, so we’ll do a part 2 soon. Feel free to ask me any question. I mean, someone even asked what kind of underwear I wear. So if you want to know...

Exercise: rehearsing

This Saturday’s spiritual supplement is about rehearsing… rehearsing responses to your questioners. Have you seen The Butler yet? In the film they show young students being taught how to be insulted, spit upon, even beaten, in preparation for their...

The Stockdale Paradox

I’m reading Jim Collins’ book, Good to Great. He talks about the Stockdale Paradox. It’s based on Admiral Stockdale who survived 8 brutal years as a prisoner of war. It is this: “Retain faith that you will prevail in the end, regardless of the...

important please read

Hi guys. Today’s Daily Toast is an announcement. We are busy working on the main TLS site. Major improvements are on the way! However, if you aren’t a part of our secret Facebook group yet, please email me or message me on facebook. It’s a fantastic...

it is a reality not a dream

I claim that our unity is a reality. It is not a possibility. We are already connected, unified at a deeply fundamental level. What needs our participation and cooperation is the manifestation of this unity. The Lasting Supper, in my opinion, is becoming a place where...