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Letter: So I Went to Church

So I went to church this morning. Yep. I did. Unusually, Lisa had the weekend off. So we made plans to go to St. Stephen, about 1.5 hours away right on the Canada/US border, and visit our friends, Peter and Mary-Ellen Fitch. We've been friends with them ever since  we...

Letter: Weylu’s, Farm Life, and the God Box

I got up early today to see Lisa off to work. The first thing I did was make myself a coffee. Then I turned on my stereo to listen to music. Then I sat down to draw my cartoon for the day. After Jesse got up I made us Mexican omelets. Then I took Abby for a walk. Now...

Letter: The Costly Cost of Change

It's been a lovely weekend here. Thanksgiving weekend in Canada. The weather's been beautiful. I've had a couple cups of coffee. Lisa's gone to work for the day. Feeling a bit lonely as well as a residue of sadness. Can I be super vulnerable with you guys today? I...

Letter: I am Still Me and You are Still You

I completed a painting this week. I have normally done very moody, atmospheric and even melancholic. But I got to the point where I was feeling trapped and stuck. I've never been able to do abstract because it seemed against my nature. I had to apply thought to what I...

Letter: Our Relationships and Rigour

I was taking my dog Abby for a walk along our road that follows the river. It was foggy but the sun eventually prevailed. What a strange sight and sensation walking through fog when the sunlight is piercing through. I could see the small particles of mist in the air,...

Letter: Knowtice Your Life

I know I misspelled "notice", but I wanted to combine it with the word "know". So there! I got up early this morning… 5am… to be with Lisa before she left for work at the hospital. She's a nurse in the Oncology unit. She's my hero. So I spent the morning like I do...

Letter: On Being a Spiritual Refugee

Finally we have some sunshine. Lisa was off this morning so we went with a friend to breakfast. I got my usual: 2 eggs over easy, link sausage, potatoes grilled with onions, white toast with blueberry preserves, and coffee. It's my one very sinful meal of the week,...

Letter: Let’s Get Mushy in Here

Good morning my friends. It's very very early here. Lisa and I are heading out to Ottawa. 700 miles! We hope to be there by suppertime. Casile, a member of TLS, is doing her final year of her philosophy degree at Carleton University. Well, TLS has been up and running...