Punk Rawk Story
So I wrote a note to my parents all like "yo i'm a cross dresser" and they're all like "you're demon possessed" and then proceed to explain that I have to rid myself of all my occult books, be it by burning or some other method. So I left the house and hitchhiked to...
How Do You View Reality?
How do you view reality? I view the Universe and everything in it as being a part of Spirit. I view Consciousness as God (with a capital C, having its own awareness), while we humans and other sentient beings (some would argue even a rock) are a part of that...
Holy Hell Week
Tomorrow is Palm Sunday. The beginning to the march towards Resurrection Day a.k.a. Easter. My new name for it is Holy Hell Week. The church is open every day. The staff is worked to a frenzy doing meditations and services every day. The choir has double rehearsals...
Hope Peddlers
Hope peddlers I'm at a funeral for a family member. The deceased was a devoted Christian who declared God's hand in everything. A funeral is a classic scene for the declaration of life eternal. Humans in general can't tolerate the unknown. The idea that there is...
Ignorance was Bliss
I just read David's weekly letter. Yes, I am very lonely. Although I have not left my church, I no longer "belong". I'm no longer blissful. I'm happy to be among people who love me. I love to sing with my choir family. I enjoy the company, but I'm not 100%...
Perspective and Mystery
Perspectives concerning non-empirical potentialities are predicated upon inconclusive assumptions related to the perspective in question. This is why Mystery will always remain Mystery, I gather.
Figuring out your “love language”
My sister got married recently. Two weeks ago, actually. Yesterday I and my parents largely watched as the new couple unwrapped and sorted out all the wedding presents, including several amusing conversations about mislaid cards. They have a rapport I am envious of. I...
Why I can’t like Psalm 23 just yet.
It's odd, saying this, but I don't find the twenty-third Psalm all that comforting. When my mom was planning her celebration of life (a.k.a. funeral), she requested some music (some that I did sing), but one particular scripture reading, that in the title, was one she...
Suppose that we (and everything else) are made of (and live within) a divine super-substance (a Super-Intelligence, perhaps, but not necessarily?), whether we call it the unified field, Consciousness, or God? Suppose post-theism and post-atheism are more appropriate...