where ‘s the beef
I'm ok...but really I'm not. On the outside I seem fine, but the truth is I’m so very exhausted of it all. Religion. I've been "enlightened". I've been exposed to reality. I’m deconstructing. But I still go to my Episcopal parish because I love them and they love me....
Video: how we respond to disappoinment and hurt
I ran 4 miles today and got passed by three young whipper snappers talking away like they were relaxing on a beach. I gave them a go though. I fantasized that they were just starting when I was just finishing. They passed me right when I returned to the bottom of my...
i’m getting focused so get ready
Please take a moment to read this. It's about us. I chose this picture of me with this t-shirt because what I have to say is very complicated. But it's very simple too. I want to thank all you TLSers for an incredible year. Well, it's been over a year. But I'm writing...
Prayers, Penance, and fun lessons in Protestantism Part I
I dutifully said my prayers (Our Father) before bed every night with my father standing by to supervise the proceedings. I don’t know why my dad posed me the way he did. The photo shown is not even a true re-enactment of the event. I did it on my knees on the floor,...
Video: Stop Worrying About What You Believe (read or watch!)
If you prefer to watch me read and expand on this letter, CLICK HERE! Good morning my friends! (I'm always aware when I say good morning that it might not be morning where you are or when you read this, but alas!) It's a bright day and the snow is brilliantly...
there are many degrees of white
This is a photo of the frozen river in front of my house today. It's a bright day. There are many degrees of white. If it was overcast and someone asked me what the color #1 was, I would have said white. If it was a bright day and there were no snowmobile trails nor...
Equal =/= Fair
A friend of mine posted this on FB. I wish more people could grasp this. Seeing it made me say "yes!". Been thinking about this a lot lately. "Equal treatment" is not the same as "fair treatment" and is not in itself "fair" or "just". Equal treatment does not take...
using the new site
We pretty much have the new site up to where we want it. We might just try to improve the chat feature at this point. I would love it if more and more of you started posting some of your stuff here. I know Facebook is a great habit, but maybe we can start posting some...
Your Journey and Mine: A Matter of Perspective
I drew this chart this morning to try to roughly illustrate the two different ways we can view our journeys. The first way, the one on the left, is to believe that we are "all over the place", wandering, lost, confused, indecisive, floundering. Those who stick with...