smoldering anger and getting it out
I have a few scriptures that I will never forget. I still treasure them. Psalm 39:2 was always important to me: "My heart grew hot within me, and as I meditated, the fire burned; then I spoke with my tongue." Basically, David talks about how at times he was so upset...
my 3 kinds of books
I noticed something personal about myself the other day. No, it's not that lovely freckle in that special place. It's something I've been doing for years and never even noticed until recently. Here it is... I like to keep 3 kinds of books on the go at the same time. I...
Meet a Member Podcast: Inga Dahl
You guys always amaze me, and Inga Dahl did not disappoint! Her story, like all of ours, is fascinating. Even though she was nervous about being interviewed, she did an amazing job of sharing her story and ideas. She possesses a resilience that I witness being...
i don’t need your pity
I had a conversation with a woman recently who was very sad that I was no longer going to church. She was even crying as she tried to express the heart of Jesus that not all churches were bad, that he sees my pain and wants me to heal from my hurt and let my wounds...
you can determine your level of involvement
For many of us, the church was a place of very unnatural and complicated relationships. In fact, often our relationships were codependent where jealousy, envy and competition was rampant. In such contexts feelings of exclusion, being ignored, unappreciated or needing...
Exercise: honest as a sociopath
For my birthday Lisa gave me a book I've been anxiously waiting to read, M.E. Thomas, Confessions of a Sociopath: A Life Spent Hiding in Plain Sight. I haven't been able to put it down. Why did I want to read this? Same reason I read Cormac McCarthy's brutally stark...
it’s coming out day
So it's National Coming Out Day in the USA. Many of our members have come out in some way or another... sexually, spiritually, psychologically... Some are still trying to find the opportunity or the nerve. I remember how long it took for me to come out...
rebuilding your life after the spiritual tsunami
I often compare the period of time when we left the church in 2010 as the perfect storm. It was like our lives were hit by a tsunami and after it was over we were surrounded by devastation. I didn't plan on it. There were no warnings. It just happened. And it happened...
update on the TLS site and forums
Honestly: I haven't been a fan of the forum format for quite some time. I find it too vast and cumbersome. Clunky. So I and our tech team are redesigning the format of TLS. I'm very excited about it. It's going to be far easier, accessible, and fun to use. And mobile!...