what about prayer?
Over the past several weeks many people have asked me about prayer. It brought to mind some correspondence Thomas Merton had with a Sufi mystic about prayer. It took me a while to find it today, but I finally did. The mystic communicated to Merton what his was like....
like dew in the morning
I took this photo this morning. It is so simple. So beautiful. It made me think about the small, subtle things in life that I can be thankful for. The little things. Dew is so delicate. It lightly falls in the night while we're sleeping and we awaken to these small...
write down your dreams
I had a dream Saturday night that has stuck with me. Here it is: A woman is in my face scolding me that what I was given was a gift... meaning that it could be taken back. I'm upset and insist that it was an inheritance, meaning that it is mine to keep. I wrote this...
Slice #5: Janelle Scheider
Slice #5- Janelle Schneider
Meet a Member: Wayne Rumsby
Listen to my "Wraps" interview with Wayne Rumsby, exclusive for TLS members only: CLICK ON THIS LINK -->Wraps #2: Wayne Rumsby.
what i think TLS is
Yes, it is sad that John left TLS. You can read his goodbye here. This sentence sums it up: "I am just in a place now where I want silence when it comes to the subject of church, Christianity and spirituality." I said a similar thing myself in a post the same day....
a story of a church visit
(This is a story I wrote 6 years ago about an imagined church visit. It's actually come true since.) I walk slowly into the church. I try to look confident. People look at me with a look of interest. Some smile, but behind the smiles I read curiosity. Immediately I...
Can I please rant for a minute?
Sometimes I find it strange that I still think biblically. In other words, I still look for a kind of biblical story within which to fit my own narrative. For example, lately I've been thinking just how far outside the church I have become and feel. Let me explain....
Podcast: Teresa B. Pasquale
Slice #4: Teresa B. Pasquale. Teresa B. Pasquale, a member of The Lasting Supper, is very involved in helping especially women recover from sexual violence and trauma.