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The Lasting Supper Private Facebook Group

The most active feature of The Lasting Supper community is our private Facebook group. We used to run forums on our main site where the interaction was somewhat limited. However, when we opened our Facebook group, the interaction between our members ramped up considerably.

Here is our Table Etiquette that helps us remember how to engage with one another in healthy ways:


More about our Private Facebook group:

The Facebook group is incredibly busy. It is constantly updated with new and fascinating posts from our members.

The posts vary from poignant, sad, happy, angry, or just plain silly. You name it! We discuss anything and everything: theology, atheism, science, food, sex, sexuality and gender, politics, jokes, religion, or anything else on the human landscape!

But the prevalent theme is love and support for one another. I know The Lasting Supper Facebook group is my go-to when I need a place to relax, share my struggles or concerns, celebrate, laugh, get informed, and think.

It’s also the place I go to find out how my friends are doing.

Here are some samples:



Sexuality and Gender:

sexuality gender









Those are just a few samples of the countless conversations that take place in our Private Facebook Group! The cool thing about this group too, though, is that there is a search feature which can help you find all kinds of topics as well as your favorite posts and friends’ updates!

We invite you to join us! We are very welcoming. You won’t feel like a stranger for long.