by David Hayward | Oct 9, 2016 | David's Letters, I'm confused
A very interesting thing happened to me this week. Someone on Facebook asked me which theologian I like to read. I suddenly realized that I don’t read theology. Not anymore. I used to. I used to be obsessed with it. I devoured it. I had thousands of theology books and...
by David Hayward | May 8, 2016 | David's Letters, I'm confused
My spiritual journey is very much an inward one with outward consequences. I have been a hard seeker after truth, and this has forced me to constantly physically move myself to more suitable and sustainable living conditions for this spiritual journey. I believe truth...
by David Hayward | Dec 7, 2015 | David's Letters, I'm okay
Some of you requested that I write out the list of books that have most influenced me. So here you go. Understand that there are many authors that have impacted my life, and I will talk more about them in other posts… people like Eugene Peterson, C. S. Lewis, Zizek,...
by David Hayward | Aug 3, 2015 | David's Letters, I'm okay
the 4 major players in my (relatively) healthy deconstruction: I think this letter will be short and sweet. I want to share with you what the four major players were in my relatively healthy deconstruction. I say relatively because I did experience some major bumps...
by David Hayward | Jan 29, 2014 | Daily Toast, Spirituality
(*** This picture is my wood-cut/block print of my favorite theologian Karl Barth, based on the last photograph of him alive.) In the old days when there weren’t so many books, people would stay with a book for a long time. Then, people would sink into a book...