by David Hayward | Jul 6, 2015 | David's Letters, I'm okay
You don’t always have to do something. When I left negative beliefs and toxic relationships behind, I realized I was feeling a lot more peaceful. One of the things that religion likes to do is pound it into our heads that we have to change. You have to change the...
by David Hayward | Mar 15, 2015 | David's Letters, I'm okay
One of the strongest messages I received growing up in the church is that it is my job to not upset people. I mean, it’s okay to upset sinful people who are doing wrong, like Jesus overturning the tables of the money-changers in the temple. Hurting sinful peoples’...
by David Hayward | Dec 5, 2014 | David's Letters, I'm confused, I'm sad, I'm scared
I’ve been thinking a lot about the pain of transformation. Like growing pains. I sprouted up very fast as a teenager. It actually physically hurt. Especially in my legs. They say that the greatest stressors in life are things like illness, death of a loved one,...
by David Hayward | Aug 24, 2014 | David's Letters, I'm confused
Today I want to talk about belief. Specifically, I want to talk about how belief is the biggest barrier to change. I realize that many of us are still believers or agnostic or atheists. So I want to be sensitive to that. Therefore, I’m going to share my own...