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Emotional at Church Yesterday

I went to church yesterday. A Vineyard. While everyone was worshipping to some worship songs I’d never heard before, as I read the words on the overhead and listening to my friend lead them, I found myself asking myself an interesting question: Why do I want to be...

The Cradle and the Fairy Tales

You have the cradle. You have the fairy tales. You have the church. You have the stories it wants you to believe. For some, they leave the cradle but keep the fairy tales. For some, they throw out the fairy tales but stay in the cradle. For others, they leave both...

A Friend Removed from Her Church

This letter is on the same theme as the last two: relationships. Like you probably already know, when Lisa and I left the church, it wasn’t long before pretty much all of our relationships were severed. That wasn’t the plan, but the incoming pastor decided that’s what...

Making New Friends

This is a kind of continuation of last week’s letter on community. Probably the most difficult issue for Lisa and I once we left the church was community, or friendship. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about it because loneliness sucks. Lisa and I were anything but...