by David Hayward | Oct 4, 2020 | David's Letters, I'm confused, I'm okay
Ugh! Complicated Friendships I was recently invited by a couple of old friends to join them for a cigar and single-malt on one of their decks for an evening. Three guys… old friends from back in the evangelical, charismatic church days. They still go to such a church....
by David Hayward | Sep 22, 2018 | David's Letters, I'm sad
Ending Bad Relationships Lisa and I have been talking a lot lately about relationships. I expressed to her today that it’s curious to me how she and I are in totally different places when it comes to ensuring our relationships are healthy. She ends a relationship if...
by David Hayward | Jan 29, 2017 | David's Letters, I'm confused, I'm sad
I want to write to you today about the mystery of lost friends. What I mean is those people who were your friends, in fact very good friends, who suddenly drop off your radar. I mean online and in offline. I’m talking about people who you would have sworn are your...