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Letter: Mundis’ Prayer

Having grown up in a Christian home and having spent so many years in the church, including the ministry, I came out of the other end of it with very unhealthy attitudes about money and business. It didn’t help that I left the ministry literally bankrupt… in...

Letter: Merry Christmas, 2013!

Do you remember that part in the movie “Braveheart” where William Wallace appears to a huge crowd of Scottish soldiers to lead them, but because they’ve never met him before they doubt that it’s him because they’ve heard he is much taller...

Letter: Do You Fear the Fear?

I did a cartoon this morning about Noah’s ark since it’s coming up in the news lately. Plus because the new Noah movie coming out with Russell Crowe I suppose. When I was growing up I was fascinated with Noah’s ark. I loved animals. I loved the bible...