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I Met a Sufi

It’s been a strange week.   On the one hand, I have continued to say that Christianity is my home but I have cottages everywhere. I’ve also continued to say that Christian is my family of origin. I have also said that even though I’m out of the church I’m still in the...

What I Don’t Miss

What I Don’t Miss Yesterday, as I was scrolling through Facebook, I was rather alarmed at all the fights and divisions that were taking place. Over what? Predestination. Sin. Heaven and Hell. Authority. Bible. Divine inspiration. And theologians are differentiating...

When I and the Universe Feel Most One

Early this morning I arose. The air was so cold outside that everything was silent. Including the radiant moon and its attendant stars. The only sound was the snow crunching under my boots. We took our second son to the airport at 3:30 am. We took our first yesterday...

How the Church Dropped the Ball

I mentioned in our Facebook group that Lisa and I went to church on Sunday. We went for a couple of reasons. 1. I love renaissance church music and was hoping to hear some. Nope. 2. We are trying to find ways to connect with other people. Nope. It is a high Anglican...