A New Moon

Blog Forums Reconstruction Personal Spirituality A New Moon

This topic contains 9 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Wade 1 year, 3 months ago.

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    One problem I am finding when you go on your own spiritual journey is that it is sometimes a little too easy to get lazy because there is no-one around you to follow or at least watch who is on more-or-less the same journey. Clearly some belief systems are more individual and less populous than others. The Internet helps, of course.

    I got inspired some months ago to go Wiccan, but I haven’t entirely left my Christianity behind. I got very aware of this yesterday when it was basically just the sermon teaching I objected to (well, plus the assumptions behind Communion).

    As it happens, today is a New Moon. In Wicca, amongst several other others, this is a time for new beginnings. I’ve been intending to move my altar to a more visible place for quite some time now, so tonight, I will be doing that.





    Rob Lentz

    The other day I thought about the labels we use to describe ourself.  I came up with a new one (as far as I know) that felt like it fit (at least for the moment – we’re on a journey after all):  bi-spiritual.  Kinda made me chuckle, and I’m not getting a tattoo or anything, but I can appreciate the truths found in a multiplicity of religious expressions and at the same time realize that all of them suffer from the same fatal flaw:  putting uncertainty into certain terms.  I’m beginning to think arguing over religion is kind’ve like arguing about which color smells the best.  New beginnings are a universally helpful thing that transcend any one tradition. Good on ya…


    Profile photo of starfielder

    Altars are cool Wade. Peace to you on this new moon.

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    Rob – I like your “Bi-spiritual” term. Trying to keep one foot in an ecumenical Christian ministry while the rest of me has left most traditional Christian beliefs behind is kind of like being bi-polar in a bi-spiritual kind of way – ha! (I honestly don’t know how much longer I can stand being spiritually schizoid.)

    Profile photo of paradoxpromised5

    @Wade, how did the altar set up go?

    I seriously investigated Wicca a couple years back. Even though it wasn’t my path, I can recognize there is such, such beauty in it. Especially in ritual.

    Anyway. :-)




    The altar setup was pretty straightforward. I took the opportunity to clean everything. It’s facing the same direction, so there is only a little variation in where things wanted to be. I have more room to do a circle now.

    Coming from a churched  background that was always light on ritual means that it is taking me a long time to build my own Wiccan ones. I understand now why everyone says to not rush things.



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    I also appreciate the power of the Moon, but more from an  astrology point of view.  (and just from learning from some of my peers)  I don’t know a whole lot about Wicca.

    and that is so funny about the “bi” label.  It is similar to what I was telling my husband tonight that I almost feel like I have a split personality.  One minute I believe in God and the next minute I don’t. lol



    I follow a blog on Tumblr by someone who calls herself a Christian Witch. And I’ve read Adelina St Clair’s book “Path of a Christian Witch”. Interesting, but I can’t reconcile those two worlds for me in the same way they do. At the moment, they’re separate paths that I’m kind of walking between them.



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    Wade,  I was pretty much brought up Wiccan, but I’ve always had this thing for Christianity. I studied Church history and New Testament exegesis for years and years. And you know what? You can use Christian gods (Jesus or the Holy Spirit) or Mother Mary (the ultimate Mother goddess) in your ritual! I pray to Jesus for my autistic son, and to Mary for myself and both my children. I also use Brigid and various other Celtic and Viking gods in ritual. I don’t identify myself as Wiccan, because my prayer ritual is my own, which I like, but I do go to Wiccan moon circles when I can find them. the freedom of Wicca is really freeing. And ritual is a wonderful way to put boundaries to your spiritual practice, to give it form and shape. Are you still thinking in terms of Wicca?



    Yep, that’s pretty much what Adelina St Clair found.

    In my personal spiritual ritual, I’ve felt like Jesus and Cernunnos certainly get on together.



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