Chat Room

Blog Forums Reconstruction Leftovers Chat Room

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  David Hayward 2 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #1473
    Profile photo of

    I am new to the site, but I see that you have added a chatroom.  Do you have some pointers about how to access your chat room?  When I get to the lobby, is that were people would be if anyone is in the chat room?  Just some “how to’s” would be helpful for me.  Thanks.



    David Hayward

    Actually ChaseM, you can create your own chatroom. You can see who else is online and invite them to the chatroom that you create. Hope that helps.

    Profile photo of

    Well I made it home in time to be involved in the first chat for 10 minutes…YIPPIE!!!!! Thank you for  this feature David, I hope that it helps people to connect even more.


    Profile photo of happylee

    Sorry I missed it.  I rarely log on after work (as I’m sitting in front of a computer all day)… :)  I’m sure it was a success!!!


    David Hayward

    It was lots of fun! Maybe we should have one mid-day one day.

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