Daniel Johnston

Blog Forums Reconstruction Living Creatively Daniel Johnston

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    A powerful performance from one of the best and most unique american artists, Daniel Johnston. This song of his, Worried Shoes, means a lot to me.


    I took my lucky break and I broke it in two
    Put on my worried shoes
    My worried shoes
    And my shoes took me so many miles and they never wore out
    My worried shoes

    I made a mistake and I never forgot
    I tied knots in the laces of
    My worried shoes

    And with every step that I’d take I’d remember my mistake
    As I marched further and further away
    In my worried shoes

    And my shoes took me down a crooked path
    Away from all welcome mats
    My worried shoes

    And then one day I looked around and I found the sun shining down
    And I took off my worried shoes
    And the feet broke free
    I didn’t need to wear
    My worried shoes

    Then I knew the difference between worrying and caring
    ‘Cause I’ve got a lot of walking to do
    And I don’t want to wear
    My worried shoes



    Here are two more great songs of his, so profound and heartbreaking. Daniel grew up in a very conservative Church of Christ family. He’s struggled with mental illness most of his life but been a prolific singer/songwriter and his music has been covered by a wide range of artists. The documentary The Devil And Daniel Johnston tells the story of his life.


    David Hayward




    Loving this, I’m a new fan. I also love music by the Bipolar Bears and Heidi Everett – see http://www.bipolarbears.com.au/Home.html and http://www.heidieverett.com.au/Heidi_Everett/Mental_Skillness.html A You Tube clip of Heidi’s is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T12ONXBBXYI (sorry I don’t know how to embed)



    oooh, and just found his song “True Love Will Find You In The End” backing this Axe Hair advertisement, haaa



    Great stuff!

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