Different Article every time you go to site

Blog Forums Reconstruction Atheism, Agnosticism & Science Different Article every time you go to site

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Richard Richard 1 year, 6 months ago.

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    Profile photo of Richard

    Here is a link that generates a post-modern article every time you visit complete with Bibliography.  See if you can understand what they are talking about. :)




    Love it love it love it, I’m still laughing Richard ! All my essay woes are now solved…

    Profile photo of Discovering-Life

    LOL! That was a great way to start the morning, thanks Richard.



    ha, I sent this to a post-modern friend, ‘hobo of outback’, here is his response:

    “Complete codswallop. None of this makes sense.

    Of course, this is because postmodern theory collapses the idea of randomness. To be random, in the context of the structuralist ‘binary’, requires the ‘unrandom’ as necessity — a directed paradigm. Indeed, the concept of the paradigm, itself, is driven by (an) ontologically sound consciousness(es).

    Within the postmodern — note, not a postmodern ‘paradigm’, but rather, for this epistemological exercise, the semiotic referents breakdown in the poststructuralist context and require the convenience of the boundaries offered by a structuralist view of language — consciousness is an inconvenience, to say the least. As Barthes suggests, the text is unlimited and any constraint on meaning is one bourne by the perceiver’s convenience. Such boundaries indicate the ‘unrandom’ necessary for the epistemological thrustings within postmodern thinking.

    This is where written language, albeit underpinned by code at the URL provided — ironically both meta and binary language at the same time — admits of its structural underpinnings. Hidden by seeming randomness, the patterns of Light Emitting Diodes are presented, seductively, as lacking in meaning, but the ‘fact’ that they emit light presents the conundrum that such events are not random at all.

    Even if you have 100 monkeys with the proverbial typewriters taken away, a consciousness (perhaps ‘human’) will still find meaning in the detritus of the monkeys’ environment, will still find the unrandom. Now consider this proposition in the context of the text at the URL. Every ‘essay’ presented has a pattern, a meaning, the unrandom. It’s just ‘bullshit’, rather than ‘monkeyshit’. Not random at all.”


    David Hayward

    i actually enjoyed the site. fascinating the way some people talk. i know a guy that talks with big words and long convoluted sentences that, if analysed, either say nothing or something very simple. funny.



    My dad, who is an electrician, is friends with a lawyer at church. The latter has been known to say that he is envious of my dad’s simple words.



    Profile photo of

    Five words in, I knew that website was going to be way more than my brain could handle – ha!

    Profile photo of Richard

    @Helene Even if you have 100 monkeys with the proverbial typewriters taken away, a consciousness (perhaps ‘human’) will still find meaning in the detritus of the monkeys’ environment, will still find the unrandom.

    This is pretty funny.  It’s long way of saying that we’re making all this shit up.

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