Does God need to be greater than us?

Blog Forums Reconstruction Theology & Philosophy Does God need to be greater than us?

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    I think this is a fair question to ask, based on a comment on a post of David’s –

    Why does god need to be greater than your dad, and in what ways would god be greater?

    I’m still of the belief that we create God in our image, so we need something of a higher level than us to make sure we have someone making sure we don’t fuck up. Whether or not this belief or its reverse is true doesn’t matter; rather, I think it should be explored – Shouldn’t God treat us (and we God) as equals, not merely a creator and overlord?

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    Hi Cecilia,

    I was going to post something from my Facebook today, and it kind of relates to this.  There are 2 thoughts on how one relates to God.  In most Judeo-Christian-Islamic traditions, God is transcendent.  He/She is above us, outside of us, someone or something in which to be in relationship with because “God” is separate from us.  Some in our traditions see God as the creator, hence he made us, therefore it could be construed that he is greater than us.  Not that I particularly believe this, but it’s what the texts teach, or more correctly, how the text is interpreted and then taught.

    In most Dharmic (sp?) religions, Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism, we find “God” to be imminent, which basically means God is within you.  And if you were to ask a Buddhist, they’d say the divine is you, exists in you.  So there is not a true sense that God is greater than man, but an essential part of man (humanity) and visa versa.

    I have struggled with this for years.  My Christian background has no room for God that is one of us, only in the form of Jesus Christ, was God ever one of us.  But my very real experiences let me know that God, the Divine, whatever you want to call her/him/it, does exist within me.  And does exist within others.  And most truly, I find God walking among us on a daily basis.  Didn’t Christ say the Kingdom of heaven is now?  Luke 17:21 says: nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is in your midst.”

    I truly love this verse as it reminds me that God is not just transcendent, above us, over us, but he is among us, now, and now, and now.  With each passing moment, within us, around us, being present.  That whole idea really can freak some Christians out, but I believe it to be true.

    Just some thoughts.  Thanks for the post!

    Anne Walker

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