Good news, nonbelievers! Pope says, "It's all good!"

Blog Forums Reconstruction Atheism, Agnosticism & Science Good news, nonbelievers! Pope says, "It's all good!"

This topic contains 8 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Shift Shift 1 year, 5 months ago.

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    Profile photo of Vinny

    Yes, fellow heathens, there is hope for us too.  For the Pope says that atheists who do good are also redeemed.  Who knew – you can be a good person without believing in a supernatural deity.


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    I applaud the new Pope for having the balls to say what he said!

    Profile photo of starfielder

    Yay there’s hope for the Pope after all….

    Profile photo of cdevon

    So, I guess he is also saying ‘OMG” that LGBTQ (Q=questioning) are also redeamed… All means All

    Profile photo of Shift

    This Pope seems to be getting it right… I have been impressed by him so far either way. You know, it seems to me, that despite all the sheer dogma within the Catholic practices, Catholics generally tend to be way more open minded that Evangelical or Reformed Christians… But more to the point, I agree with him here, I believe Christ truly did die for the entirety of humanity regardless of belief or non-belief. That to me is a true accomplishment for God.

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    Devon – AMEN!  I can’t speak for the Pope, but I have no doubt that when God says all, He means ALL!!!

    Profile photo of cowboyjunkey

    I need to learn more about the reformation after reading this.  I always assumed Catholic = bad and Protestant = good but maybe there were some things the Catholics had right.

    Very interesting.

    Profile photo of agnosticbeliever

    I am not thrilled with him telling the Nuns to “chill out” but I like this and think it is time religious leaders stress unity among all….isn’t there something in the Epistles in the New Testament about how people who do good are doing in  the name of Christ even if they don’t know it?

    While I certainly believe that those who are not Christian or of no religion can do good and it may not matter to many people if it is in the Bible, I believe this idea has a Biblical basis.

    Profile photo of Shift

    @Scott Gillespie

    Well the Catholic church the reformers fought against was a Medieval model and thus was highly oppressive and dogmatic, the reason why so many were up in arms against them is because the vast majority of the practices they deemed essential to salvation were not mentioned in the original Scriptures so they were essentially lying out of a bid to control people for a long time, especially the Pope. However, as time has moved on and society has matured, it seems to me at least that the Catholic church (certain denominations of it at least) have matured too, I’ve heard a lot of testimonies from Catholic priests who embrace modern science, and talk about how the Bible is not errant and how silly such a notion is. Its the Reformed churches that seem to be lagging behind now ironically. Next up is for the new Pope to state that homosexuality and abortion are not sins, but that would probably be a stretch eheh

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