How I Changed How I Saw Belief

Blog Forums Deconstruction Trying to Move On How I Changed How I Saw Belief

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    Tim WB

    I really identify with the process David described in his recent weekly letter, “How Belief Prevents Change” – I, too, read the books, constricted the thoughts, polished the theology (did you know that Mythbusters proved that you can polish a turd?)

    Anyway, I digress…

    My dreams / visions were subtly different, and happened in a progression…

    I don’t think I ever expected faith to be the entire house, but for a time it was “the” foundation, then “a primary” foundation, then “an alternate” perspective (it’s not really fair to call it a foundation any more, is it?)

    I had a dream about purity / holiness / fundamentalism, that I was standing on a plain that was white / grey / black, and I had the option of declaring any part of it off-limits (anathema?), and slicing it off.

    But I realised that I couldn’t see perfectly, and that I needed room to move, and so if I were to slice off too much, I’d just end up stuck somewhere grey.

    And I also realised that I wasn’t just cutting off featureless space, but that there were people who lived in those areas I judged grey (or black). (Ironically, that’s where I live now – in one of the darker shades of grey!)

    And I also had a dream that I’d split my life into segments: the faith, the rational / scientific, the emotional, the sexual, the familial, the creative, … and that my role was now to anneal them so that I could be whole. (I used to think of this like changing gears in a car – I can still hear the gears grind as some of my friends change from “faith” to “social”. And there’s a special gear they reserve for certain situations – like when I came out to a few recently. Two months later, it would appear that they’re still stuck in that gear…)

    I’m sure there’s more to it than that, but those are my immediate thoughts.



    It’s too easy for me to get stuck in the pigeonhole mentality that attempts to label people by their beliefs and see them in some ‘other’ area than myself. I really appreciate your picture of this multi-shaded space in which people live and move, kind of fluid-like. I see the potential people have to change and move around on this space both from darker areas to lighter areas and vice versa.
    Having a history deep in fundamentalism, I still find myself defaulting to the labelling agenda. Even as more of a progressive SBNR person, I find the objects of my judgementalism are now the conservatives, right-wingers and fundamentalists. It’s a lot easier to leave the beliefs than the legalistic mindset.
    I think that if I were to look at all those around me as having this kind of potential, it would change the way I interact with them, possibly with more patience and compassion, certainly with a greater desire to understand.
    Thanks so much for your insights.

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