I'm Going on a retreat

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    My first one ever. I’m going with a group of others from our church for a day later this week. Most of the time  will be on my own however. We are gathering for a noon-day meal at the retreat center.  I’m trying to go into it openly without expectation or plans. That said, I will take my camera, maybe a book & notebook. The center has a labyrinth, and some outdoor trails / areas as well as indoor spaces such as a library.  I’m hoping for rest, prayer, peace and hearing from God.

    Has anyone else been on a retreat?

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    Yes, but the “women’s retreats” I have gone on were much more structured with only a couple hours of free time. But the one you’re going on sounds like it won’t be like that. By all means, take advantage of time alone and enjoy the scenery! Let us know how it turns out okay?


    David Hayward

    I’ve been on TONS of retreats. Please report back. Would love to hear.

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    Okay so it went pretty well I think. I took Brad Jersak’s book “Can you hear me – tuning in to the God who speaks” and read, prayed and meditated on what I was reading.

    The weather that day was cool.  I did spend quite a bit of time outside.

    It took a while to settle myself.  I sat on the swing and gazed out at nature and between that and the actual act of swinging, I was able to calm myself.

    I tried to not have too many expectations & just be open to God. I walked the labyrinth praying for myself & others. This quote was on the handout for the labyrinth:

    Your life is a sacred journey.  And it is about change, growth, discovery, movement, transformation, continuously expanding your vision of what is possible, stretching your soul, learning to see clearly and deeply, listening to your intuition, taking courageous challenges at every step along the way.  You are on the path … exactly where you are meant to be right now … And from hear, you can only go forward, shaping your life story into a magnificent tale of triumph, of healing, of courage, of beauty, of wisdom, of power, of dignity and of love.”   ~ Caroline Adams

    The part of the quote I’ve bolded was very meaningful to me since I have been wondering about my latest “path” — pursuing a writing certificate and subsequent freelance career in same — especially since lately I am also having problems with my hands (tendonitis type stuff in my thumbs.)

    I did the stations of the cross and meditated.

    I took some photos.

    I went inside and read in the afternoon.

    I prayed, meditated and (surprisingly) cried at something I read in Jersak’s book.

    Those of us who went in the group fr. church gathered for a noon meal then later again in the afternoon to pray and take communion.

    Nothing terribly earth-shatteringly spiritual happened just a nice relaxing day away fr. technology & mostly just with God.


    David Hayward

    It sounds like you had a beautiful weekend. Envious :)

    I just thought of something kind of funny from when I was in the Pentecostal church. They decided to stop calling their retreats “retreats” because it sounded weak. They changed the name to “advances” because we are Victorious after all ;)

    Glad you had a great retreat Kathy. Sounds like you made some advances.

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    Kathy -Thanks for sharing how your retreat went. Glad to hear it was a relaxing time away from the daily grind. Thanks for sharing that awesome quote too!

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    I wish it was a weekend; it was just a day but a much-needed one.

    *eye-roll* re “advances” give me a break….I like “retreat” b/c it is a “retreat” fr. reality.  I guess you could also call it “forest therapy”:



    (sorry, I don’t know how to embed videos).

    Next time I think I’d like to go for a weekend and maybe talk my husband into coming as well.

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    BS meter spike (retreat/advance). Pass the EpiPen.

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