Is Your Church Guilty of Spiritual Abuse? Check the Top Ten Signs

Blog Forums Deconstruction Spiritual Abuse Is Your Church Guilty of Spiritual Abuse? Check the Top Ten Signs

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Derek 4 months, 3 weeks ago.

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    Good article by Michael Camp with resources listed at the end.


    Profile photo of Amy

    That certainly confirms what I thought about our last church.  I have tried to convince myself that I was just bothered by the practices there because of my own views on things and the changes in my beliefs.  But there is no question that while it wasn’t to an extreme degree, my last church had every single characteristic on that list.



    Most of this describes my ‘current’ church (haven’t been for a long time), all of it describes the church before that, and some, the church before that. In short, I’ve been spiritually abused for 36 years.

    Joining this site, and starting psychotherapy, marks the end of that.

    Profile photo of Myrurgia

    Pow. The first religious group I was involved with (and spent all of my childhood and teen years in) met all the 10 signs.

    SMH. Unbelievable.

    The body of Christ could use a major shakedown these days.

    Profile photo of George

    May I request that you refer to the ‘church’ with quotes if you doubt it has much to do with Jesus – who he was, what he said, what he stood for.
    Reserve Body of Christ or Christian community for more authentic expression of Jesus.
    If you are a Christ-follower leave such a ‘church’ think of it like Paul leaving the synagogue. You are not leaving the true church. You are looking for the true church – for your fellow believers. This is not it.



    Thanks for sharing.

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