Jim Jones

Blog Forums Deconstruction Spiritual Abuse Jim Jones

This topic contains 9 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of  Anonymous 1 year, 10 months ago.

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    Profile photo of Crysti

    Ok, I just stumbled across the fact that today is the anniversary of the massacre at Jonestown. So I just watched an old PBS documentary on it. Other than understanding the kool reef joke, I guess I never knew much about the actual group and history, it happening when I was 3 and all.  I am literally shaking after watching it. I am now in more fear of where I could have ended up On earth in a cult than of hell . Aye, aye, aye. Anyone else feel like they too readily followed? I see so many similarities. I am no ready to attribute evil motives to my old church yet, but I know if they wanted to they could lead people anywhere.  I am so sad.


    and ps- I feel like an idiot, I didn’t even realize the forums were here…

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by  David Hayward.
    Profile photo of Crysti

    Kool aid. Autocorrect !



    David Hayward

    that’s my fault crystal. the site will be more user friendly soon. ya, jonestown was horrible. and it is so easy to get caught up in stuff. scary.

    Profile photo of Crysti

    Look forward to all the ideas you have sent out. I will think about how to help once Thanksgiving passes! I am glad I could come here tonight after watching that!

    Profile photo of Ang

    Hi Crystal,  Yes.  The church I was in for 9 years turned out to be part of

    “The Biggest Religious Movement You Never Heard Of”

    And, I did not hear the name it was associated with the whole nine years I was there.  Not until I left the church for another reason and started checking out the people, elders, pastors, etc. deceivers….  Ah.. what a bitter taste still left in my life.

    Profile photo of

    I still find it hard to believe that happened in my lifetime.  I guess growing up, it seemed “long ago and far away.”  But I, too, was 3 when it happened.

    I hear you on fearing cults more than hell.  My fear is that one day one of my kids will be sucked into something like that.



    Hi Crystal,

    I loved that you said this, ” I am glad I could come here tonight after watching that!”

    It is great that we can create a community where it is safe to share, vent and decompress with.

    I also connect with your statement about being more afraid of ending up in a church cult than ending up in hell. That gave me chills.




    Hi Crystal,

    I grew up in a strong Bible-based church, but it amazed me on a couple of occasions when the church split how unquestioningly loyal to a man people can become even in a short period of time, and the things they will do.

    Glad you found the forums; don’t be a stranger! :-)

    Profile photo of Richard

    This illustrates the difference between being taught “what to think” instead of “how to think.”  When you have clear methods for determining truth that are verifiable you will be inoculated against being taken in by a cult.

    The virulent nature of cults is based in the fact that many of its leaders aren’t trying to con you.  Most Christian churches are not malicious in their beliefs.  My family fully believes they are helping me out by trying to save me.

    The idea of the “meme” or mind-virus is based on the work of scientists Richard Dawkins, Douglas Hofstadter, and Daniel Dennett.  Once you accept the precepts of a circular reasoning process, there is no way out.  When you add ego and fear, you remove intuition.  And when you add the need to convert others to your belief to sustain your status you expand the viral metaphor.

    Cons rely on the greed, ego, fear, and the “need to please” of their victims.  And in the case of religion, many of its foot soldiers believe they are doing “good.”

    If you want to be secure from being taken in, take a good course on logic and learn how to spot fallacies in your own thinking and in the claims of others.  All cults are based on fallacies.

    If you can set aside your pride and commit yourself to rigorous honesty with yourself and others, you will be immune to cults.

    Profile photo of

    I was 13 when Jonestown happened.  I still vividly remember the pictures.  I still ended up in a church that I followed so devoutly that I let them tell me who my roomates would be, what I would wear and who I would marry.

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