Merks in Boston is glad to be a heretic along with you!

Blog Forums Introductions Meet & Greet Merks in Boston is glad to be a heretic along with you!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Helene 3 months, 4 weeks ago.

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    Hey there friends! It is with great pleasure that I join alongside such a motley crew. I’m sure we’ll get to know each other much better through different interactions in the future, but here are some highlights of my journey:

    *currently probably considered a “None” as far as the whole church thing goes
    *studied at Zion Bible College (RI) in the 1990’s and went on to serve in several different ministerial roles
    *was dismissed from Zion Bible College because I was “divisive” with the “prosperity gospel/word of faith” movement
    *a few years later was asked to leave my role at an Assembly of God church in Providence,RI because I was again “divisive”, but this time towards the “holy laughter” movement
    *feeling like a drop-out minister, I studied Education and Sociology, which eventually led to my current profession as a Middle School Science Teacher
    *after having nothing to do with institutional churches for many years, I started attending a new church plant here in Boston that seemed to disarm all of my previous concerns
    *almost five years later, my family escaped what turned out to be an extremely controlling, authoritarian scene, eventually discovering that the pastor’s mentor is Mark Driscoll
    *I was once again “divisive” because of the way I questioned the “gospel-centered”/”missional”/”neo-calvinist” movement

    So, basically, I am a troublemaker within the church circles I’ve been exposed to over the years. But, my wife and three kids (ages 5, 2, and 2months) all love Jesus, for real. We have no idea where we fit in to this Christianity in America, but we have not stopped trying to figure that out.

    I am reading a lot of “organic church” stuff, like Frank Viola, Neil Cole, Felicity Dale. Jon Zens, etc. It might be the direction I am headed.

    I also practice and teach LOVE for all humanity, like what I see Jesus teach. I do not practice or support any kind of violence. In fact, when I became a Christian in 1992, it led to me being dishonorably discharged from the US Navy because of these sorts of convictions.


    David Hayward

    Hey man thanks for joining us. Interesting story!



    **tips hat**. I think you’ve got the dishonourable discharge thing down pat – congratulations ! Another convictions-based traveller says hello.

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