Perhaps love is god to an atheist

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    “When love awakens in your life, in the night of your heart, it is like the dawn breaking within you. Where before there was anonymity, now there is intimacy; where before there was fear, now there is courage; where before in your life there was awkwardness, now there is a rhythm of grace and gracefulness; where before you used to be jagged, now you are elegant and in rhythm with your self. When love awakens in your life, it is like a rebirth, a new beginning.”
    ― John O’DonohueAnam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom

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    Beautiful quote Wayne!

    Profile photo of moxierocks

    I actually have said in some conversations in the past, that if I were to pick a “god” or ruler of my life, it would have to be love! I need to read this John O-Donohue!

    To me, love is an energy that I can either be a conduit for and let flow through me out to others, or I can try and keep it all to myself. Then I’ll just probably short circuit and end up just being  fried. (I have no idea why the electricity speak..but it just came to me) I feel very much that this is a big part of what’s wrong with christianity and the like…because if they think they have the authority and monopoly on truth and God (who is said to be LOVE) than their attitude makes them hold onto it and it doesn’t flow.

    Profile photo of Richard

    I like the idea of love connecting each of us together.  When I bring the term god to the idea of love that suggests something more than an energy.  It suggests a conscious being.  When I look at how trillions of cells interact to create different conscious beings on the planet I think there might be a possibility of a super consciousness made up of all living things as completely unaware of what we might be thinking as a cell in our body is of our thoughts.

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    Mox & Richard, and well, everybody  – A friend just loaned me a book called Proof of Heaven (subtitle: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey Into the Afterlife by Eben Alexander, MD.  OMG!!! This neurosurgeon was in a coma for 7 days while his brain was being attacked by vicious bacteria, and the near death experience he describes is so beautiful and amazing. He discovered the core of everything really is Love (big surprise huh?), and that we really are deeply connected to Love, and everyone and everything ever created. 

    Perhaps that is why we all crave community so much??? And perhaps that is what will be the greatest thing about the afterlife – we will all finally be able to experience the kind of community our spirits long for but are unable to experience in this life with all its limitations. (That’s just me thinking out loud here.) 

    Don’t let the word “heaven” in the title turn you off.  What he describes is NOTHING like the traditional stereotype of heaven that most Christians believe. Who would want to go to that heaven anyway? The Afterlife he describes is definitely NOT something to fear, and the depth of knowing and understanding all kinds of levels and dimensions that our human brains are incapable of comprehending is fascinating. There will certainly be no shortage of new, exciting, and fulfilling things to learn and experience! (Sure beats the thought of sitting around “worshiping God” forever! )


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