So I’m me

Blog Forums Introductions Meet & Greet So I’m me

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  David Hayward 3 months ago.

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  • #16088
    Profile photo of Graham

    The forum description this is the place for introductions. It also said “Introductory conversations that are light and easy” Problem being I’m not sure I’ve done anything light and easy lol

    I’m Graham, I love playing darts, poker, Xbox games, worshiping to rave music and talking to teenagers about gender equality. Currently engaged to Sarah and we plan on getting married next year.

    Now for the not so light and easy. I’m not currently a member of a church and haven’t been for nearly a year. The truth is……I’m afraid to go. When I first became a Christian about 6 years ago, everyone was really welcoming, until I started asking questions that went beyond their boundaries. Then I seemed to be on the sidelines. I can be paranoid and cynical (not to mention provocative) so it may all be my fault, but they didn’t seem to know how to handle it. When I was really struggling with a knee injury, they prayed and said lots of things about believing Jesus can heal if we ask Him. Except I wasn’t healed and just felt it must have been my fault. So I stopped going to get my head together and sort out my relationship with Christ. In the meantime, trying to get help from Christians on forums was a mistake. As soon as they found out about some of my theology, I was immediately condemned. I mean, how many times can you branded a heretic and told that a) you’re going to hell and b) sending others there before you start to believe it? Maybe I just found the wrong crowd. Up until yesterday I was ready to start going to a nearby church to start the process of finding community. But a Pastor decided it would be more fun to throw me under a bus with some of his comments and now I’m back to square one.

    Anyway, that’s my bundle of messiness. I hope I can find what I’m looking for here, though it helps if you know what it is you’re actually looking for.



    Hi FLX! Welcome to TLS!

    Sorry to hear you felt ostracized while healing. That’s a terrible time for that to happen. Fwiw, this is a great place to ask your questions. We love pushing boundaries.

    Profile photo of cowboyjunkey

    Welcome. You’ve found the place you were looking for. :)

    Profile photo of Peter Stanley
    Peter Stanley

    What is this theology that others find heretical?
    Presumably you have been caught up with the errors of Evangelicalism!
    I’ve been on this journey outside traditional Christianity for more than 40 years and being accused of being a heretic is par for the course.
    I’ve been told that I have a knack of asking some of the awkward questions to which there are no easy answers. But as a believer I have never accepted the traditional teachings about hell – and that’s a sure conversation stopper for many people!

    Profile photo of Graham

    Hell, Genesis, Atonement, women bishops, homosexuality….take your pick really lol



    Hey FLX, feel free to have fun with those. Pick one, create a thread, and let us know what you think about it.


    David Hayward

    Ya go with it!

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