spiritual addiction

Blog Forums Reconstruction Laugh Links & Ideas spiritual addiction

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jeni Ananda 1 year, 6 months ago.

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  • #10405
    Profile photo of SavageSoto

    Wrote a blog on Spiritual addiction if you’re interested in checking it out.

    Profile photo of Amy

    That was really good.  I often find that I have a hard time integrating spirituality into my life–I’m kind of all-or-nothing about it.  Either it’s all-consuming, including blogging, reading, online discussion, etc., or I’m ready to lump the whole thing and just avoid all of it.  I obviously need a lesson in moderation, but it’s hard after coming out of a church where church-related activities consume nearly every spare minute.


    Jeni Ananda

    I think if we are able to look for what helps people, instead of hurts them- in terms of spiritual conversation- like telling them something amazing you know to be true about them, even if it is a small thing. Some of the most amazing people can be encouraged to greatness because someone took the time to believe in them. I am obviously referring to a more personal level of talking about spirituality- I also love to chew on ideas about God with others and I think if people can ask “What if” together and have a mind opening conversation, without condescension- then every one can benefit from using our imaginations and sharing ideas with each other.
    That being said- I did once write a blog about koalas, comparing the church to baby koalas who nurse out of their mother’s anus- breastfeeding from her butt- and in some circles, I see people ‘eating’ from an authority figure something that has no nourishment or value to real life and they have been doing it for so many generations that it is now considered normal. If all your friends nurse from their mother’s butt- and this has been going on for generations, then no one thinks to question it. I call it the 3rd generation mind f*ck. And the eucalyptus leaves offer almost no nutritional value, so they have no energy, so they sleep 20 hrs a day (if I remember correctly.) Which also reminds me of some churches. They aren’t ingesting anything valuable, so they are complacent to be selfish and self centered and delude themselves that they are living in love.
    I called the blog- “Two koalas One cup.” It was funny to me- very offensive to most, though.  I changed it to a metaphor of society-

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